PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN AIR KELAPA DENGAN LAMA PERENDAMAN YANG BERBEDA TERHADAP MASKULINISASI IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) The Effect Coconut Water for Different Submirsion Between Masculinization of Parrot Fish (Oreochromis niloticus)

Derin Masprawidinatra, Helmizuryani Helmizuryani, Elfachmi Elfachmi


The purpose of this research is for knowing the different effect of coconut water with long submirsion for
getting the masculine parrot fish. This research held in the wet laboratory fisheris faculty of agriculture
Muhammadiyah University on may until july 2015. This research used completely randomixed design methode with
4 differents treatment and 4 replicates the natural ingredients of coconut water. This research have a result that the
higshest survival contained in the first treatment P1 39,5 %. Percentage of the highest masculine in the second
treatment P2 85 %. From the measuretment of the water quality shown in the normal condition and good for the
highest survival of parrot fish. The high percentage of male sex that produced by second treatment P2 the
hipothesis for long submirsion using coconut water with 10 hours and 30 % dosage/L give the effect for different
sex of parrot fish because optimal absorption of potassium in the coconut water this case expected because
potassium can make different cholesterol changes the consist in pregnenolone.

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