Dakwah Persuasif KH. Holis Jamal di Kalangan Remaja Komunitas Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) Nurul Hikmah

Maisaroh Maisaroh, Tantan Hermansah, Nasichah Nasichah


Teenagers in Sampang Regency, especially in Sokobanah Regency, face various problems in this increasingly modern era. various ways and efforts to provide Islamic answers to various problems that exist in the lives of these teenagers. Problems faced include moral decline, motorbike gangs, and drug addicts. K. Holis Jamal and his community, the Nurul Hikmah Youth Prayer Council (MPB), must fundamentally change the morals of teenagers in Sokobanah Sampang District because of this issue. As a result, da'wah must be packaged accurately, perfectly and purely. contextual and factualThe theoretical framework of persuasive communication is the basis for this research, which uses a qualitative naturalistic narrative research approach. K. Holis Jamal's preaching among teenagers is the focus of this journal. The following results were revealed by this research: 1) K. Holis Jamal only met his da'wah partners when he was doing da'wah; 2) he practices da'wah through the MPB Youth Community, Majlis Nurul Hikmah Bersholawat; and 3) instructing members of the Assembly in preaching. Based on supporting factors, research shows: 1) the attractiveness of the communicator; 2) preparing da'wah messages. Apart from that, this research faces obstacles such as: 1) semantic factors and 2) social position. So far, the aim has been to increase kinship with da'wah partners and make maximum use of da'i da'wah strategies.


Dakwah, Persuasif, Remaja, MPB Nurul Hikmah


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