Marlina Ummas Genisa, Haryanti Putri Rizal, Hasri Hasri, Andi Agussalim, Djohar Maknun


Reward mempunyai peran penting dalam mempertahankan ataupun membangun motivasi belajar mahasiswa karena dianggap salah satu penentu keberhasilan selama mengikuti perkuliahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis motivasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan biologi dari strata satu (S1) dan strata dua (S2) ditinjau dari pemberian reward selama perkuliahan. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner online tentang persepsi mahasiswa secara umum dan khusus terhadap reward yang diadaptasi dari Lloyd (2007). Selanjutnya, data dianalisis secara kuantitatif untuk menjelaskan persepsi dari 190 mahasiswa pendidikan biologi yang terdiri dari 177 mahasiswa strata satu (S1) dan 13 mahasiswa strata dua (S2). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa seluruh mahasiswa pendidikan biologi setuju dan termotivasi untuk belajar ketika diberikan reward saat perkuliahan. Meskipun persentase tipe reward yang diharapkan berbeda, seperti reward nilai sebesar 50%, pemberian semangat/pujian 23%, lalu 20 % berupa hadiah, sedangkan bentuk lain 7%. Selain itu mahasiswa umumnya lebih memilih diberitahu jika ada reward dibanding diberikan secara spontan. Perbedaan spesifik antara mahasiswa S1 dengan S2 terlihat saat pemilihan khusus jenis reward, dimana mahasiswa S1 lebih memilih nilai sedangkan mahasiswa S2 lebih mengharapkan adanya pengayaan materi, pembimbingan, serta pemberian sumber literatur yang dapat membantu tugas mereka. Penerapan reward yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat pendidikan mahasiswa dapat menjadi acuan dalam mendorong semangat belajar mahasiswa selama perkuliahan. 


Reward plays an essential role in supporting or increasing student learning motivation because it is believed as one of contributing factors to students' performance in lectures. This study intended to analyze how rewarding students in classes influences undergraduate (S1) and postgraduate (S2) degrees in biology education students' motivation to learn. The data was gathered utilizing a Lloyd-adapted online survey (2007) regarding students' perceptions of rewards in general and particular. Furthermore, 190 biology education students, consisting of 177 undergraduate students (S1) and 13 postgraduates (S2), had their perceptions addressed through quantitative analysis. The results indicated that all biology education students believed that rewards during lectures motivate them to learn. Although the percentage of the type of reward intended varies, such as a reward in the form of a score was 50%, encouragement or praise was 23%, then 20% was in the form of a gift, while other forms were 7%. In addition, students generally prefered to be informed if there was a reward compared to being given it spontaneously. When deciding on a specific reward, it was evident that postgraduate students differed significantly in their choices. Whereas undergraduate students prioritized grades or scores, postgraduate students expected more material enrichment, mentoring, and the provision of literature resources to assist with their assignments. Implementing rewards that are relevant to the educational level of the students can be a reference for enhancing their interest in lectures.


motivasi; reward; mahasiswa pendidikan biologi; motivation; biology education students

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Copyright (c) 2023 Marlina Ummas Genisa, Haryanti Putri Rizal, Hasri, Andi Agussalim, Djohar Maknun

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