Faktor-Faktor Kebijakan Dividen Pada Perusahaan LQ45

Gustian Gustian




Purpose - This research is aimed to know the influence of Solvability, Profitability and Corporate Growth on Dividend Policy at LQ45 company listed in BEI


Design/methodology - The type of research used associative research. The data used secondary data. Methods of data collection used documentation method. An analysus study used quantitative. Analysis tool used multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis test (F test and t test) with significant level 5%.


Findings – The result of research used multiple linear regression method Y = 0,434  +  0,001X1 – 0,027X2 + 0,198X3 + 0,230X4 + 0,053X5 – 0,064X6. the result of F-test simultaneously showed that there was the effects of Solvency , Profitability and Company Growth on Dividend Policy at LQ45 company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The result of t-test showed partially indicated that there was significant effects of solvency (DER)and profitability (ROE) on dividend policy, whereas there was no effects of solvency (DAR,DER), profitability (ROE) and company growth (sales growth, profit growth) on dividend policy.




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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/mti.v3i1.2066


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