Faktor-faktor Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Sektor Non Lapangan Usaha di Wilayah Sumatera Bagian Selatan

Yudha Mahrom D.S.



Purpose - This study aims to analyze and describe the direct influence and indirect effect of third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, and nonperforming financing on financing channeled to sharia in the non-business sector with assets as mediating variables in the Southern Sumatra region.


Design/methodology - This study uses secondary data from Islamic financial reports (BUS and UUS) published by BI and OJK monthly period from June 2014 to December 2017. Data analysis used is path analysis with trimming method


Findings – Based on the results of the analysis it was found that directly and indirectly the Non Performing Financing variable had a negative and significant effect on the financing channeled to sharia in the non-business sector in the Southern Sumatra region. Directly the Financing to Deposit Ratio variable has a positive and insignificant effect on financing disbursed by sharia in the non-business sector in the Southern Sumatra region. However, indirectly, the variable Financing to Deposit Ratio has a positive and significant effect on financing channeled to Islamic banks in the nonbusiness sector in the Southern Sumatra region. Directly and indirectly third party fund variables have a positive and significant effect on financing channeled to Islamic banks in the non-business sector in the Southern Sumatra region.


Financing to deposit ratio, Non performing financing asset


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/mti.v3i2.2075


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