Perencanaan Dan Pengelolaan Anggaran Pada Politeknik Darussalam Palembang

Yike Diana Putri




Purpose - The purpose of this research was to describe the system of single account  by allocating some funds to habilitate  Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan (RAPB) in a year in Darussalam Polytechnic of Palembang.


Design/methodology - The primary data is obtained from interviews and observations on the informants of the Chairman of the Foundation, Treasurer, Director, Assistant Director and Heads of the study program. The secondary data is  obtained from RAPB for 3 years.


Findings – The results show that the  budgeting management of RAPB  has not been effective and efficient yet  because it does not correspond to the predetermined RAPB, it is not clear the principle standard of the priority, the effectiveness of the activities is always be the  main  concern and if there are some  efficiencies it will be used for the activities or delayed. The  measurement of the  RAPB performance is done annually and no correction to RAPB.


Budgeting, Managing, Planning


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