Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Solvabilitas Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan LQ45 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Frecilia Nanda Melvani




Purpose - This study aims to find out how the influence of profitability and solvency to stock prices at LQ45 companies listed on the Stock Exchange


Design/methodology - This research included the type of associative research that was to determine the relationship of two variables or more. There were two independent variables namely profitability and solvency with one dependent variable that was stock price. The population of this study were all LQ45 companies listed in BEI year 2013-2017. Sample selection used purposive sampling technique. The number of samples was 44 companies. The data in this research was secondary data. Technique of collecting data used documentation method.


Findings – The results of this research were: (1) Profitability partially had not positively and significantly influence to stock price, (2) Solvency partially influence positively and significantly to stock price. Solvability variable in this research was the most influential variable to stock price which shown from standardized beta coefficient value is 0,155


Stock Price, Profitability, Solvency


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