Positioning Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Seberang Ulu Palembang

Mardiana Puspasari, Nike Septa Wulandari




Purpose - The problem of this study was whether or not there was any difference of positioning of private universities at Seberang Ulu Palembang


Design/methodology This study was a comparative study. There were 5 indicators to distinguish among universities at Seberang Ulu Palembang. These indicators were the choice ofstudy programs, facilities, accreditation, fees, and lecturers. The population wasall people who are living near the universities. Samples of this study were 270 respondents using Cluster Sampling technique. The data were primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting the data used questionnaires..


Findings – The result of analysis showed taht there were any differences of positioning of private universities at Seberang Ulu Palembang according to 5 indicators which were the choice of study programs, facilities, accreditation, fees, and lecturers.


Positioning, Stufy Program


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/mti.v4i1.2086


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