listriana listriana, Manisah Manisah, Yusro Hakimah


Purpose,  This study aims to determine and prove the influence of supervision and work culture on work motivation and its impact on the performance of employees of the Palembang City Education Office, either directly or indirectly.


Design/Metodology, The population of this study were all employees of the Palembang City Education Office, amounting to 62 Civil Servants (PNS). Palembang, totaling 62 Civil Servants (PNS). In this study, researchers used saturated sampling, namely the technique of determining the sample by using the entire population to be used as research samples. So in this study the number of samples used were 62 employees as research samples, The data analysis used in this research is by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis method which is operated through the Partial Least Square (PLS) program.

Finding, The results of this study indicate that, Supervision (X1) has an effect on Work Motivation (Y), Work Culture (X2) has an effect on Work Motivation (Y), Supervision (X1) has an effect on Performance (Z), Work Culture (X2) has an effect on Performance Employees (Z), work motivation (Y) has an effect on employee performance (Z). Supervision has an indirect effect on employee performance with work motivation as a mediating variable or intermediary variable. Work culture has an indirect influence on employee performance with work motivation as a mediating variable or intermediary variable.


Supervision, Work Culture, Work Motivation, Performance

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