Rina Dwi Wulandari, Tiara Yuliantika


Buying and selling is one of the forms of muamalah that is commonly done,
where buying and selling has terms and conditions that are allowed or not allowed.
Buying and selling coffee in Tebat Gabus Village during the Covid-19 Pandemic is of
course very different from the previous year. Starting from the declining coffee price, as
well as the expectations of farmers who are not as expected. The sale and purchase of
agricultural products in the village of Tebat Gabus burdens one party, namely the farmers,
where the price is determined based on the bond between the farmer and the toke. This
study aims to determine the sale and purchase of coffee in Tebat Gabus Village, Kisam
Tinggi District, South Oku Regency.
The research method that researchers use is qualitative. The data sources that
the researchers used were primary data sources, namely sources directly obtained from
respondents through interviews with 1 toke and 4 farmers in Tebat Gabus Village, and
also secondary data sources, namely data obtained from books, journals and other
literature. Researchers' data collection techniques used interviews anddocumentation.
Based on the results of the study showed that, the practice of buying and selling
coffee in Tebat Gabus Village, Kisam Tinggi District, South OkuRegency. In practice,
buying and selling still often creates mafsadat, namely the prolonged payment of debts
which contains elements of usury in the form of usury in the form of riba nasi'ah which
means delaying, suspending, or waiting and refers to the time given for debtors to repay
debts by providing "additional" or "premium". Therefore, riba nasi'ah refers to interest in
debt. There is an element of gharar, namely there is no certainty about the due date of
debt payment, there is no proof of a transaction in case of a dispute, and the price for
those who have debt is determined by the toke partyonly


Covid-19 pandemic, buying and selling coffee, and Islamic Economy


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