Debi Carolina


This study discusses the effect of working capital turnover, dividend policy
and debt ratio to the value of the company to profitability as an intervening
variable (study on property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange) periode 2010-2015. The independent variable used was
working capital turnover, dividen policy, debt ratio, profitability (return on
equity) as intervening variable and dependent variable was the value of
company (price earning ratio). The sampling method use was purposive
sampling with a sample of 8 companies. Data collection techniques was
documentation technique. The analysis methods of this study used the
classical assumption test and path analysis test.
From the research that has been done, it can be seen that there was a
significant effect of working capital turnover, and debt ratio of debt as partially
to profitability, and there was no significant effect of dividend policy as
partially to profitability. There was simultaneous effectf working capital
turnover, dividend policy, and debt ratio to profitability. There was significant
effect of working capital turnover as partially to the value of company, and
there was no significant effect of debt ratio and profitability as partially to the
value of company. And There was simultaneously effect of working capital
turnover, debt ratio and profitability to the value on property and real estate
companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. Profitability couldn’t be
intervening for independent variable to the value of company. The most
dominant factor affected the value of the company at property and real estate
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is working capital


Perputaran modal kerja, kebijakan dividen, rasio utang, profitabilitas, dan nilai perusahaan.

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