Pengaruh Financial Leverage, Operating Leverage, dan Total Asset Turnover terhadap Earning per Share pada Perusahaan Oil and Gas dan Coal Mining yang Ada di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Raden Muhammad Fahmi


This study is aimed at investigating the influence financial leverage, operating leverage and total asset turn over toward earning per share . the date to be used in this thesis are sukunder date such as financial statement form 14 oil & gas
dan coal mining companies. The analytical tool used in this study is a model of multiple regersi , to see the effect of financial leverage, operating leverage and total assets turnover to earning per share, and by using the classical assumption that test for normality and multicollinearity and assisted Eviews version 7. Results of the research
showed that financial leverage, operating leverage and total assets turnover jointly significant effect on the earning per share. This shows that the variables that affect earnings per share is derived from liquidity ratio and activity ratio.
Following that, if only partially visible two independent variables significantly to earning per share are financial leverage and operating leverage , the two
variables have a positive effect on the earing per share means if financial leverage and operating leverage has increased then , it will increase in earnings per share.


Financial Leverage, Operating Leverage, Total Asset Turn Over, Earning Per Share

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Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen is published by Pascasarjana Management Department. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



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