Utilization of Eco-Enzyme from Household Organic Waste to Maintain Soil Fertility and Plant Pest Control
The use of inorganic chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides in the cultivation of crops carried out by farmers has caused negative effects on the environment. Likewise, the disposal of household organic garbage by the community has caused pollution in the surrounding environment. To reduce environmental disturbances due to garbage deposits, household organic garbage can be utilized for making eco-enzyme. Eco-enzyme is a complex organic compounds solution resulting from the fermentation of organic garbage, water, and sugar. Eco-enzyme solution can be used by the community as a versatile cleaning liquid, for environmentally friendly plant fertilizer and plant pest control. Community service activity has been carried out in Gelebak Dalam Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency, in the form of counseling and demonstrations of making eco-enzyme solutions from fruit peels and vegetable residues. Knowledge of eco-enzyme is very beneficial for the community, because, in addition to reducing the negative effects of organic garbage deposits on the environment, eco-enzyme is also useful in reducing the use of inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides in plant cultivation activities.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/altifani.v3i1.5355
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