Evaluasi Pencahayaan Alami dan Buatan pada Ruang Kuliah Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Unika Musi Charitas

Abdul Rachmad Zahrial Amin


This light on earth is needed by mankind to carry out every activity every day, be it activities during the day or at night. Natural lighting mostly comes from the sun which is influenced by the condition of the celestial sphere, in buildings of course it is influenced by large window openings. Meanwhile, artificial lighting comes from lamps which are influenced by the type of lamp, placement and distance. A space planning will of course pay attention to lighting, of course, especially for rooms with special functions that require very high accuracy. The standard of comfort for a room is regulated in SNI 03-6179-2011 stated for classroom lighting requires 15 W / m2, drawing space requires 20 w / m2. This study uses a descriptive analysis method with an architectural approach, the results obtained from the primary data can be used as input simulations with the ecotect radiance 5.6 program. From the simulation results with ecotect radiance, it is found that the need for strong bright light when adjusted to the function of the classroom as a place for teaching and learning is still lacking or below standard, which is below 300 lux.

Kata Kunci

evaluation, natural lighting, artificial lighting, ecotect 5.6

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SNI 03-6575-2001.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/arsir.v5i2.3659


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