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Author Guidelines
Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English using Times New Roman fonts.
Writing systematics for:
A. Research Results, consisting of:
- ABSTRACT must be written in English. Abstract contents should be fully describe the essence of the paper sistematically, and should contain "problem statement, approach, results and conclusions”. Length of the abstract must be between 150 ~ 250 words. (made in one column, in one paragraph).
- Key Words, written under ABSTRACT with the left flat position. arranged alphabetically, 3 to 5 words.
- 1. INTRODUCTION contains background, literature review, formulation of the problem, research objectives and scope of the research, left alignment.
- 2. RESEARCH METHOD contains the materials and equipment used and how to carry out research.
- 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION contains results in the form of research data that has been processed and poured in the form of tables, graphs, or photos/images, while the discussion contains the analysis of research data with reference to theories written in literature reviews and literature referred to in the study.
- 4. CONCLUSION, conclude the results of the research obtained.
- REFERENCE contains libraries referred to in the paper.
B. Literature Study, consisting of:
- ABSTRACT must be written in English, contains the problems studied, the way they are implemented, the results and conclusions.
- Key Words, written under ABSTRACT with the left flat position.
- 1. INTRODUCTION contains background, problems, goals, and scope, left alignment.
- 2. LITERATURE REVIEW contains theories that support the study of the topics discussed.
- 3. DISCUSSION contains an analysis of theories in a literature review by explaining its advantages and strengths.
- 4. CONCLUSION, conclude the results of the study obtained.
- REFERENCE contains libraries referred to in the paper.
The bibliography is arranged according to the alphabet of the author or sequence number. Writing a bibliography is organized as follows:
- BOOK: name of the author (without a title, prioritizing surname), year of publication, the title of book, edition, the name of the publisher, the name of the city of publication, page.
- JOURNAL: name of the author (without a title, prioritizing surname), year of publication, article title, journal name, number and volume, page.
The editor has the right to edit editorial manuscripts without changing the meaning and content of the text. The contents of the paper and the accuracy of the data are entirely the responsibility of the authors.Manuscripts that do not meet the above rules will not be published.
Other things that are not listed can be asked to the editor via email or telephone.
Guidelines/paper templates can be downloaded
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submitted paper must be a scientific paper relevant to the fields of civil engineering that has not been previously published or is not in the process of publication in other print media.
- The paper is not the result of plagiarism and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
- All names listed in the ownership line are entitled to become authors and have agreed to the final form of the article submitted.
- The authors are willing to bear the risk of the accuracy of the data and will not ask for accountability to the editor for errors in the data provided.
- The authors are willing to make major and minor repairs to the results of further reviews until this article is published.
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format with maximum size does not exceed 5 Mb.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Privacy Statement
Name and email address inserted in the journal website will only be used for the purposeful matters. They are not going to be used for the other purposes or other parties.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Fast-Track Review: 500.00 (IDR)
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks.
Article Publication: 300.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.
Payment through:
Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah Account Number 81009015093
Account Name: R. A. Siti Delima Amanda Putri