Ellisyah Mindari


The purpose of this research was to detect the influence of motivation, work discipline and organizational culture toward employee performance, either together also partially. The research population was all employees totaling 117 people. The sample taken with using census sampling, in which all
members of the population sampled. Data collection techniques used are questionnaire and documentation.Answers given by the respondents analyzed quantitatively using SPSSfor Windows version 20.
Research data quality is tested with test validity and reliability that the ordinal scale data is then transformed into a scale interval by using the help method successive intervals are integrated in Microsoft Excel. This research was
conducted in the testing primary assumptions the regression includes data normality test, linearity test, multikolinieritas test and heteroskedastisitas test. The research result show the motivation (x1), work discipline (x2) and organizational culture (x3) influences performance (Y) as big as 0,367
(36,7%), while the remaining is influenced by other factor. Motivation variables (x1), the working discipline (x2) and organizational culture (x3) a positive and significant effect on performance (Y) with Fcount 21,796 and the value of significant F is equal to 0.0000. Furthermore, motivation (x1)
partially positive and significant effect on performance (Y) with tcount is 4,347 and value of the significant t is 0.000. The work discipline (x2) partially positive and significant effect on performance (Y) with tcount is 3,831 and
value of significant is 0.000. But, the organizational culuter (x3) intermediates do not affect significantly the performance (Y) because the value of tcount is equal to 1,698, which is less than the value of ttable 1,981, the significant value of is 0.092 which is greater than the value of ? (0.05).


motivation, work dicipline, organizational culture, performance

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