Balqis Bahieta, Iqbal Masron, Trisniarty Adjeng Moelyatie, Gumar Herudiansyah


The formulation of the problem in this study was to find out whether was there an effect of work communication and work discipline on employee performance of PT. GTA “PKS Sumber Sawit”. The population in this study was 114 employees, with a sample of 53 respondents, the sampling technique used stratified random sampling. The data used primary data and secondary data. Methods of data collection was through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis used qualitative and quantitative analysis. The analysis technique used multiple linear regression, Hypothesis Test F and t, and the coefficient of determination. The results of the analysis showed that there was a positive effect on work communication and work discipline variables on employee performance, with the regression equation: Y = 1.650 + 0.234 X? + 1 0.229 X?. The results of the F test showed the value of Fcount 3.473 > Ftable 2.41, it meant that there was a significant effects of work communication and work discipline variables on employee performance. The results of the t test showed the value of tcount 1.793 > ttable1.675 of work communication variables, it meant that there was a significant effect of work communication variable on employee performance, and tcount 1.744 > ttable 1.675 of work discipline variable, it meant that there was a significant effect on work discipline variable on employee performance. The coefficient of determination showed that the variables of work communication and work discipline were only able to contribute to changes on employee performance with the resulting contribution of 8.7%. The results showed that there was an effect of work communication and work discipline on employee performance of PT. GTA “PKS Sumber Sawit”.


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