Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan asap cair sebagai pestisida organik dalam mengendalikan hama kutu daun (Myzus persicae) pada tanaman cabai. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret – Juni 2018. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan 4 kali ulangan. Dimana P1 = 0 hari sekali (tanpa aplikasi), P2 = Aplikasi asap cair 2 hari sekali, P3 = Aplikasi asap cair 4 hari sekali, P4 = Aplikasi asap cair 6 hari sekali, dan P5 = Aplikasi asap cair 8 hari sekali. Aplikasi asap cair dilakukan sesuai perlakuan dengan menggunakan handsprayer dengan konsentrasi 2%. Aplikasi asap cair dilakukan pada sore hari yaitu pukul 17.00 WIB. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa populasi hama kutu daun tertinggi pada perlakuan 0 hari sekali / tanpa aplikasi asap cair (P1) yaitu 8,67 ekor dan populasi terendah pada perlakuam aplikasi asap cair setiap 2 hari sekali (P2) yaitu 5,02 ekor, begitu juga pada tingkat serangannya yaitu tertinggi pada perlakuan P1 dan terendah pada perlakuan P2. Asap cair yang diaplikasikan dengan interval 2 hari sekali mampu menekan populasi dan serangan hama kutu daun pada tanaman cabai.
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of liquid smoke as an organic pesticide in controlling aphids (Myzus persicae) on chili plants. This research was conducted in March – June 2018. The study used the experimental method with 4 replications. Where P1 = 0 days (without application), P2 = liquid smoke application every 2 days, P3 = liquid smoke application every 4 days, P4 = liquid smoke application every 6 days, and P5 = liquid smoke application every 8 days. The application of liquid smoke was carried out according to the treatment using a handsprayer with a concentration of 2%. The application of liquid smoke is carried out in the afternoon at 17.00 WIB. The results showed that the highest population of aphids was in the treatment once every 0 days / without the application of liquid smoke (P1) which was 8.67 individuals and the lowest population was in the treatment of application of liquid smoke every 2 days (P2) which was 5.02 individuals, as well as at the attack level, which was the highest in treatment P1 and the lowest in treatment P2. Liquid smoke that is applied at intervals of 2 days is able to suppress the population and attack of aphids on chili plants.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/jk.v16i2.4110
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