Kholilah Kholilah, Manina Tassya Beremau, Wani Fitriah


This research was conducted with the objective to find out the influence of competence, work discipline and training on employee performance of PT. Telkom Indonesia Telecommunications Business Area Sumsel. This type of research was an associative study. The sample used was 54 employees with sampling technique using purposive sampling. The data used in this study were primary and secundary data. The data collection techniques used was through a questionnaire. The data analysis techniques used were multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t test and the coefficient of determination. The results of multiple linear regression analysis indicated a positive influence of competence, work discipline and training on employee performance. The results of the F hypothesis test indicate that there is a significant effect of competence, work discipline and training on the performance of PT. Telkom Indonesia Telecommunication Business Area of South Sumatra. The results of the t hypothesis test indicate that there is a significant influence of competence, work discipline and training on the performance of PT. Telkom Indonesia Telecommunication Business Area of South Sumatra. The results of the coefficient of determination of competence, work discipline and training contribute to the ups and downs of employees performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia Telecommunication Business Area of South Sumatra.


Competence, Discipline Work, Training and Employee Performance.

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