Anggreany Hustia, Kholilah Kholilah, Arradytia Permana, Anissa Winda Anjani, Desi Rahmawati


Purpose – This research was aim at determined the factors that had affect the job satisfaction of PT WPG employees. The satisfaction factors studied in this study are financial factors, psychological factors and social factors that occur in companies.


Design/methodology – The sample used in this study was 83 respondents used cluster sampling techniques. The research carried out was the F test to test the factors that affect employee job satisfaction, financial factors on employee job satisfaction, psychological factors for employee job satisfaction and social factors for job satisfaction of employees PT. WPG.


Findings - The results showed that there was a significant influenced of financial factors, psychological factors and social factors on the job satisfaction of PT employees. WPG. There was a significant influenced of financial factors on the job satisfaction of PT. WPG, there was a significant influenced of psychological factors on the job satisfaction of PT employees. WPG, but for social factors did not affect the job satisfaction of PT. WPG. The three factors studied in this study obtained the results that contributed to employee job satisfaction by 83.6%.


Kepuasan Kerja, Faktor FInansial, Faktor Psikologis, Faktor Sosial, Era New Normal

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/mti.v8i1.5950


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