Nadia Afrilliana, Lesi Agusria, Arradytia Permana, Yunita Febriani


Purpose Research to look at the determinants of tea purchasing decisions in terms of product quality and brand image, collectively and individually in the Keraton Kayu Agung sub-district.


Design/methodology –This research is associative, as many as 100 samples were respondents, using purposive sampling as a sampling technique the analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis


Findings - The research results show that together there is an influence of product quality and brand image on the decision to purchase sariwangi tea in Kedaton Kayu Agung sub-district. Meanwhile, individually, there is an influence of product quality and brand image on the decision to purchase sariwangi tea in Kedaton Kayu Agung sub-district. Meanwhile, individually, there is an influence of product quality and brand image on the decision to purchase sariwangi tea in Kedaton Kayu Agung sub-district.


consumer decisions, quality Product , Brand image

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