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Author Guidelines

These author guidelines are updated guidelines used for the period starting in 2019. The update was carried out to improve and repair the quality of writings published in the Jurnal Kepastian Hukum dan Keadilan.

Jurnal Kepastian Hukum dan Keadilan is a legal scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Palembang. Jurnal Kepastian Hukum dan Keadilan is an information and communication media that provides a space to publish critical thinking of original research results including conceptual ideas and review articles from academics, researchers, and practitioners who have never been published in other media. Scope & Focus article published in this journal covers the following topics: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Economic and Business Law, Environmental Law, Customary Law, Women's and Children's Protection Law, International Law, Procedural Law, Intellectual Property Law, sociology of law.


General Terms of Writing

  1. The manuscript have never been published in other print/online media, or is in the process of reviewing other journals/media.
  2. The articles is written in Indonesian or English.
  3. The articles is typed using Microsoft Office with Time New Roman, font 11 pt, double space.
  4. The writing of title's article should be straightforward and avoid writing location names, abbreviations and rules. The author uses Times New Roman, font 14 pt, Bold, Centre, Capitalize Each Word and a maximum of 16 words.
  5. Under the title, write the author's name (without a degree) with a distance of 2 spaces. Underneath, it is written the author's original institution, the author's email address.
  6. The number of authors can be more than one person with the format written under the first author, second author and so on. The author's name is written without a degree, underneath, it is written the author's original institution, the author's email address. The author in charge or correspondence writer (corresponding author) must be given a special sign " * ". This marking is intended to ensure that communication related to the article can be directly received by the appropriate personnel.
  7. In case the author's name consists of two words, then the writing is used the first name of the author and should not be abbreviated, then followed by the last name. Conversely, if the author's name consists of only one word, then in the online version (HTML) will be written in two words containing the same name (repeated) for the purposes of metadata indexation (Camdali & Tunc, 2006; Fridman, 2008).
  8. Abstracts are written in 2 languages, namely English and Indonesian. The abstract title is written in bold, while for abstract substance written in italic with Arial Narrow font 8 pt, 1 space, maximum 150-200 words. Abstracts do not have to contain a background, but contain the purpose of writing/research, research methods (for articles on research results), problems of writing/research and results/findings of research/writing and the implications can be added.  
  9. Writing a bold keyword title, consisting of 3-5 keywords and separated by a semicolon (;)
  10. Articles of research results with a minimum number of 20 pages, a maximum of 25 pages while articles on conceptual ideas with a minimum number of 15 pages, a maximum of 20 pages. The number of pages includes figures and tables. Written according to a template in a print-ready form with writing dimension of A4 (210 x 297 mm).

Writing system

Articles submitted to the Journal of Justice and Legal Assurance can be in the form of research results or conceptual ideas. Articles must be original and have not been published in other media. The systematics of writing as follows:

1. Research Results Article:


  • Problem Background.
  • Theoretical framework. (All written theoretical frameworks should be cited or referred to the Results and Discussion chapter).
  • State of the art Previous research.
  • Problems and Gap Analysis (in terms of whether it is important or not and or what is unique about this paper compared to previous research) and Research Objectives.
  • The four preliminary contents are set out in flowing paragraphs, not being sub-chapters of the introduction.



CLOSING (conclusion, suggestion/recommendation/implication)




2.  Conceptual idea article:

INTRODUCTION (Problems are placed at the end of the Introduction)

DISCUSSION (with discussion subtitles as needed)




Systematic Explanation of Writing  


The Introduction section contains an adequate background of the problem, the problems studied, the purpose of writing, and the state of the art from previous studies and publications, as proof that the submitted article has originality and has a new contribution to scientific contributions that are important for publication. The Introduction also contains an explanation of the gap of analysis and/or urgency of the study. For this reason, there needs to be a statement of novelty from the study supported by a literature review from previous studies. State of art sources are recommended from primary sources, namely reference sources of relevant journals and current publications both international and national journals, theses, and dissertations. At the end of the introduction there is also the purpose of research/writing.


Research methods are written as separate chapters after the Introduction chapter. Research methods contain types of research, approach methods, sources of legal materials and data sources, legal material collection techniques, data collection techniques, and methods of legal material analysis and data analysis. For the article of conceptual ideas, it is enough to only discuss the method of study approach that is placed at the end of the Introduction chapter.


The writing of the Results and Discussion section contains the results or research findings (scientific finding) which is followed by a scientific discussion. The description of the discussion in the Results and Discussion chapter is descriptive, analytical and critical. The description of the discussion must be adjusted to the sequence of legal issues that are the main elements in the study. The theories included in the theoretical framework should be cited in this chapter. The state of art listed in the Introduction Section is also reviewed and elaborated in the Results and Discussion Section. The analysis in the Results and Discussion section can be supported by a table that is presented horizontally. Table presentation is equipped with "Table Title" and "Table Source". Each Table is followed by the author's review and comments as part of the analysis of the Tables presented. In addition to the table, the provisions of the Act or other regulations presented are accompanied by studies and author opinions in strengthening and sharpening the analysis of articles submitted for publication.



In the closing section contains conclusions from the study and at the same time is also a comment from the answer to the problem studied in the article. In this regard, the writing of conclusions must be adjusted to the order of the problem studied and relevant to the purpose of the research. In the conclusion section there should be no new discussion from the author. In this section can be included recommendations / suggestions / implications of the author if any.


Express gratitude to those who have contributed to the research, especially parties or institutions that fund research including those who individually help included in the improvement of article writing such as: Advisors, Institutions that fund, Proof-readers, and other parties who are considered to have contributed.


Bibliography in the research articles and conceptual ideas contains all references used in the study. References should be published for a maximum of the last 10 years. The composition of the bibliography is highly recommended in the form of primary sources (80%) namely national journals, international journals, theses, dissertations, proceeding conferences both nationally and internationally. Other sources (20%) can be books or other reference sources. Each article must contain at least 15 references and only references used as citations may be written in the Bibliography..

Terms of Writing Quotations and Sources

For every citation or retrieval of data from other people/authors, the source of the quotation/reference must be written down. In the citation technique, there are two types of quotations, namely direct quotations and indirect quotations.

Direct quotations are quotations which are written exactly the same as the original source, both language and spelling, without making any changes at all. Quotations that are less than 4 lines long are inserted into the text, written as text typed, beginning and ending with quotation marks ("). Quotations of 4 lines or more, typed one space, writing begins after seven taps from the left margin.

Indirect quotes are quotes that do not exactly match the original. The author only takes the main idea from the source cited to be restated with sentences compiled by the author. Sentences containing the quote of the idea are written with double space as normal text.

Regarding the writing of citation sources, in writing scientific papers, there are several styles which can be chosen and adopted for writing citation sources. The Journal of Justice and Legal Assurance uses the footnotes model to write down the sources cited by the author. Footnotes model using APA Style - Chicago and Turabian Styles.

Examples of writing footnotes sourced from Books / Literature

Bossche, P.V.D. The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, hlm. 332-335.

Witjaksono. Reborn Maritim Indonesia, Perspektif  Sistem Ekonomi Kelautan Terintegrasi (SEKTI), Jakarta:  PT. Adhi Kreasi Pratama Komunikasi, 2017, hlm. 81

Example of writing footnotes sourced from the Journal

Michael Akpa Ajanwachuku. A Critical Appraisal of the Right of Inheritance of Children Born Out of Wedlock. Hasanuddin Law Review, 2(1), 001-009, 2016. doi:10.20956/halrev.v1n1.192, p. 008

Felice, D. D. Business and Human Rights Indicators to Measure the Corporate Responsibility to Respect: Challenges and Opportunities. Human Rights Quarterly,37(2), 511-555, 2015. doi:10.1353/hrq.2015.0031, p. 552

Utama, I.M.A., and Suharta, I.N. The Challenges of Water Pollution: Enforcement of Water Pollution Control. Hasanuddin Law Review, 4(1): 81-87, 2018. DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v4i1.1414, p. 1414

Resdianto Willem. Pemanfaatan Ruang Pesisirdan Laut yang Berkeadilan (The Utilization of Coastal and Marine of Justice). Jurnal Bina Hukum Lingkungan,2(2), April 2018. doi:10.24970/jbhl.v2n2.13, hlm.157

Richo, A.W., Mailinda, E.Y., Rizky.S., & Hendry, J.N. Wacana Pemerintah Untuk Mereposisi Kelembagaan Inspektorat: Tindak Lanjut, Tanggapan, Serta Inisiasi Kedepan. Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 48(4),677-904, 2018. doi:10.21143/jhp.vol48.no4.1800, hlm. 726

Example of writing a footnote sourced from the official website:

World Trade Organization. Understanding the WTO Agreement Intellectual Property and Enforcement.  Diunduh dari tanggal   5 Mei 2018.

ASEAN. Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Nursing Services.  Diunduh dari URL:,  tanggal 23 September 2018.

Terms of Writing Bibliography

Each article submitted uses a minimum of 15 references by maximizing primary sources (journals and research results). The bibliography only contains references cited in the article and written in alphabetical order by the author. Writing a bibliography in the Journal of Justice and Legal Assurance uses the same style as the citation, namely the American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style.

Example of writing a bibliography sourced from books/literature (Print Edition)

1.   Author of 1 person in the book

Last name, first name abbreviation. year of publication in parentheses. Book title (italic). place of publication: publisher name.

  1. Buku berjudul Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Melalui Pertanggungjawaban Perdata. Penulis Dr. Andri G. Wibisana,S.H.,LL.M. Diterbitkan oleh Badan Penerbit FHUI. Tempat penerbitan Jakarta. Tahun penerbitan 2017.  Ditulis: Wibisana, A.G. (2017). Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Melalui Pertanggungjawaban Perdata. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit FHUI.
  2. Buku berjudul Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Dan Harmonisasi Hukum Global Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Terhadap Perlindungan Program Komputer. Penulis Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan,S.H.,M.Hum.,LL.M. Diterbitkan di Semarang pada tahun 2011. Penerbit: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Ditulis: Dharmawan, N.K.S. (2011). Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Dan Harmonisasi Hukum Global Rekonstruksi Pemikiran Terhadap Perlindungan Program Komputer. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro
  3. Peter Van Den Bossche. (2008). The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press. Ditulis: Bossche, P.V.D. (2008). The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2.   Author of 2 people in the book

Last name, abbreviation of the first author's first name, & last name, abbreviation of the second author's first name. Year of publication in parentheses. Book title (italics). Place of publication: Name of publisher.


Books written by Djoni S Gazali, S.H.,M.Hum; Rachmadi Usman,S.H.,M.Hum. entitled Hukum Perbankan, published by Sinar Grafika in Jakarta, year of publication 2012.


Gazali, D.S., & Usman, R. (2012). Hukum Perbankan. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.

Example of writing references sourced from the Journal

Zuhri,M., & Basri. (2016). The Implementation of Right-Fulfillment to the Health Care in Achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG’S). Hasanuddin Law Review, 2(1), 075-088. doi:10.20956/halrev.v2i1.215

Puspitawati, D,. (2018). Indonesia’s Archipilagic Sea Lanes (ASL’s) Designation: Right Turning to Obligations. Hasanuddin Law Review, 4(3),265-280. doi:10.1353/hrq.2015.0031

Harahap.A.S,.Hasibuan.A.L (2018). Model of Prevention of Social Conflict Which Multidimension Based on Local Wisdom of Community Adat Dalihan Na Tolu. Brawijaya Law Journal,5(2), 159-172. DOI: 10.21776/ub.blj.2018.005.02.01

Setiadi.W,. (2018). The Urgency of Regulatory Reform in Order to Support Indonesia’s National Development. Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal),7(4). doi:10.24843/jmhu.2018.v07.i03.p07

Harahap.A.S,.Hasibuan.A.L.,(2018). Perusahaan Dan Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut: The Right To Tourism Vs Sustainable Tourism. Masalah-Masalah Hukum,46(2), 125-135. doi:10.14710/mmh.46.2.2017.125-135

Example of writing References sourced from the Thesis or Dissertation

The order of writing is: the author's last name, first name abbreviation. year in parentheses. The title of the thesis or dissertation in italics. university name.


Rudy, D.G., (2015). Pengaturan Hak Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan menengah (UMKM) Atas Akses Modal Di Bidang Usaha Pariwisata. Universitas Udayana

Articles from Online/World Wide Web Sources:

Online source writing: author's last name, abbreviation of first name. Year in parentheses. Article title. Retrieved from website name.


United Nations and the Rule of Law. (2015). Environmental Law. Retrieved from, accessed on 6 Mei 2018.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in Jurnal Kepastian Hukum dan Keadilan agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.