Desain Biofilik pada Gedung Sekretariat dan Laboratorium Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Ngurah Rai

Ida Bagus Idedhyana, Made Mariada Rijasa, Agus Wiryadhi Saidi


Emerging from concerns about the increasing work stress (occupational disease) that has an impact on mental health, nature needs to play a bigger role in the built environment, referred to as "biophilic design." The word 'design' in question is a creative process to create or design architectural works. Biophilia is contained in the third point in the Tri Hita Karana concept which is the basis of the vision and mission of Ngurah Rai University, this concept is used as a basic concept in the development of the Ngurah Rai University Faculty of Saint and Technology building, so it is very interesting to be an object of research. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Tri Hita Karana and biophilia, the application of biophilic design in the development of this building, and to find new contributions in the application of biophilic design. The method used is a qualitative method, by establishing a relationship between empirical phenomena and theory in solving research problems. The results showed three biophilic categories: nature in the space; natural analogues; and the nature of the space, which is described into fourteen biophilic design patterns, has generally been successfully applied. The presence of nature can be felt as a string of images that move from entry to workspaces. The application of biomorphic shapes and patterns with natural materials and a touch of traditional Balinese architecture is a new contribution in the application of biophilic design in this FST building.

Kata Kunci

Biophilic Design, Nature Reference, Faculty of Saint and Technology

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