Tiara Kurnia Khoerunnisa, Dasir Dasir, Triansyah Triansyah


The abundance of purple sweet potatoes can be used as an alternative food processing material, one of which is the manufacture of buns. Bakpao is a food made by fermentation and steaming. This study aims to determine the effect of formulations of wheat flour and purple sweet potato flour on the chemical and physical properties of purple sweet potato buns. This research was conducted at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Muhammadiyah University of Palembang. This study was an experimental method using a randomized block design (RBD) which was arranged in a non-factorial manner with a comparison treatment factor between purple sweet potato flour and wheat flour which consisted of five treatment factors and was repeated three times. The parameters observed in this study were chemical analysis including fiber content and physical tests with swelling volume. The results showed that the highest level of fiber content in steamed buns was in treatment T1 (100% purple sweet potato flour and 0% wheat flour) with a value of 4.173% and the lowest in the T5 treatment (0% purple sweet potato flour and 100% wheat flour) with a value of 1.962%. The highest swelling volume was in the T5 treatment (0% purple sweet potato flour and 100% wheat flour) with a value of 317.71% and the lowest swelling volume was in the T1 treatment (100% purple sweet potato flour and 0% wheat flour) with a value of 214. 78%.


Fiber Content, Purple Sweet Potato Flour, Development Volume.

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