This study was conducted to determine the cost of production of tempe processing business before and after the increase in the price of soybean raw materials and to determine the income received by the home industry processing business of tempe before and after the increase in the price of soybean raw materials. This research was conducted in Plaju Ulu Village, Plaju District, Palembang City in June-August 2021. The research method used is a survey. The sampling method used is the saturated sampling method or the census. The data collection method used is the method of observation, interviews. The data processing method used was descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. The results showed that the cost of production of tempe before the increase in the price of soybeans was IDR 5,147/kg, while after the increase in the price of soybeans the cost of production increased to IDR 6,023/kg there was a difference of IDR 876, - after the increase in soybeans, due to the price of soybean raw materials experiencing quite a high increase. Home Industry income of tempe before the increase in soybean prices from a total revenue of Rp25,820,000 /Kg/Month with a total cost of producing tempeh of Rp16,611,611 /Month and the average income before the increase in soybean prices is Rp9,208,389/Month. Meanwhile, after the increase in soybean prices from a total revenue of Rp27,686,400/Kg/Month with a total cost of Rp20,773,061/Month, the average income after the increase in soybean prices was Rp6,817.061/Month. The impact of the increase in soybean prices is the high cost of production, the quantity of tempeh and also the income received by the Tempe Home Industry in Plaju Ulu Village.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui harga pokok produksi usaha pengolahan tempe sebelum dan setelah kenaikan harga bahan baku kedelai dan mengetahui pendapatan yang diterima oleh usaha pengolahan Home Industri tempe sebelum dan setelah kenaikan harga bahan baku kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Plaju Ulu Kecamatan Plaju Kota Palembang pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey. Metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah metode sampling jenuh atau sensus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa harga pokok produksi tempe sebelum kenaikan harga kedelai yaitu Rp5.147/Kg sedangkan setelah kenaikan harga kedelai harga pokok produksi meningkat menjadi Rp6.023/Kg terdapat selisih Rp876,- setelah kenaikan kedelai, di sebabkan karena harga bahan baku kedelai mengalami peningkatan yang cukup tinggi. Pendapatan Home Industry tempe sebelum kenaikan harga kedelai dari total penerimaan Rp25.820.000/Kg/Bln dengan biaya total produksi tempe Rp16.611.611/Bln dan didapatkan hasil rata-rata pendapatan sebelum kenaikan harga kedelai yaitu sebesar Rp9.208.389/Bln. Sedangkan setelah kenaikan harga kedelai dari total penerimaan Rp27.686.400/Kg/Bln dengan biaya total Rp20.773.061/Bln didapatkan hasil rata-rata pendapatan setelah kenaikan harga kedelai yaitu sebesar Rp6.817.061/Bln. Dampak dari kenaikan harga kedelai yaitu tingginya biaya produksi, kuantitas tempe dan juga pendapatan yang diterima Home Industry tempe di Kelurahan Plaju Ulu.
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