KONSENTRASI PASAR DAN POSISI TAWAR PETANI DALAM PEMASARAN TANDAN BUAH SEGAR (TBS) Market concentration and farmers bargaining power in the marketing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB)
The research was conducted in Musi Rawas District. The purpose of research are to analyze: (1) con-centration and market structure in the marketing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB); and (2) the influence of marketing institutions in determining the price of FFB (bargaining power). The method used is literature study on estate Agen-cy of Musi Rawas and CPO plant operating in Musi Rawas. The data collected is the development of FFB and av-erage price of CPO during the last 10 years and the capacity of FFB absorption of each CPO plant.The results of this research showed that: (1) the structure of the FFB market tend oligopsonistic, the market concentration by HI = 1835.92; (2) the determination of FFB prices on the basis of the price of CPO and the age of the falm oil plant is not so effective in determining a market structure towards the perfect competition; (4) the results of multiple linear re-gression indicated that price is influanced by FFB prices at the level of middlemen and CPO prices simultanieously; (5) regression coefficient showed b1 and b2 <1, which means that markets tend oligopsonistic. Circumstances which farmers position as price taker.
marketing of fresh fruit bunches (FFB), Musi Rawas
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.32502/jsct.v3i2.59
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