- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Open Access Statement
- Withdraw the Manuscript after Submission
Focus and Scope
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Only manuscripts following the focus and scope of TekstuReka journal will be sent to reviewers for processing. The eligibility process will be carried out by a board of editors who also see the suitability of the existing template. If the manuscript is not suitable, it will be returned to the author to be corrected (resubmitted for review) or rejected (declined), or directed to be sent to other journals that are more suitable (submit elsewhere). Authors should ensure that the manuscript has followed every step before submitting the manuscript to OJS. The review process takes about 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the notes made for correction by the author. Reviewers are selected based on their field of knowledge and relevant studies on the manuscript.
Hanya naskah yang telah sesuai dengan fokus dan lingkup jurnal TekstuReka yang akan dikirimkan ke Reviewer untuk diproses. Proses kelayakan akan dilakukan oleh dewan editor yang juga sekaligus melihat kesesuaian dengan template yang ada. Jika naskah tidak sesuai akan dikembalikan ke penulis untuk diperbaiki kembali (resubmit for review) atau ditolak (decline) atau diarahkan untuk dikirimkan ke jurnal lain yang lebih sesuai (submit elsewhere). Penulis harap memastikan naskah telah mengikuti setiap langkah yang ditetapkan sebelum mengirimkan naskah ke OJS. Proses review sekitar 4 sd 6 minggu tergantung dari catatan yang dibuat untuk diperbaiki oleh penulis. Reviewer dipilih berdasarkan bidang ilmu dan kajian yang relevan pada naskah yang ada.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Open Access Statement
Withdraw the Manuscript after Submission
- Ensure not to submit your paper to more than one journal simultaneously. This is a standard code of publication ethics. It is unethical to withdraw a manuscript, just because it was accepted sooner elsewhere
- Please email jurnaltekstur@gmail.com with the subject: Manuscript Withdrawal. Write a clear and concise letter, signed by all authors, explaining the situation surrounding the manuscript and the reason(s) for its withdrawal.
- Manuscript withdrawal can only be requested before the reviewing process by Journal’s reviewer.
- If the withdrawal request after the manuscript is already in the reviewing process may incur a penalty for manuscript withdrawal. This penalty charge Rp 400.000,-
- The manuscript withdrawal is confirmed by email from the Editor of Jurnal Tekstureka. This email may acknowledge the withdrawal
- If authors withdraw manuscripts on unethical grounds, Jurnal TekstuReka may also blocklist the author and co-authors for future publications.
- To avoid such situations and any penalties, take extra time to check over your work before the manuscript submission.