Perancangan Sriwijaya Freshwater Aquarium Safari

M Khairul Faizi (
Prodi Arsitektur, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
April, 2024


The Design of Sriwijaya Freshwater Aquarium is a way to introduce freshwater aquatic biota, educate public, and a destination in Palembang. This design expect to be able to respond land conditions, produce an optimal design to persuade tourist. Design’s data were prepared by using observation, interviews, and literature study methods. The space program in this design includes main facilities (destinations), management buildings, supporting facilities and utilities. Special Space Study (SRK) is an analysis form of main facilities and some utilities needs. While the others used a related sources for the type of the space needs. The location choices is influenced by transportation and proximity to city landmarks and tourist destination. The building is concepting metaphor by using water element as the inspirations for implementing the shape of the main and supporting buildings. Through the analysis, the design of Sriwijaya Freshwater Aquarium Safari in Palembang is able to respond land conditions by utilizing a strategic location, producing an optimal design by processing the character of site and building shape. This could be an idea for supporting education about freshwater aquatic biota, and new destination to persuade tourist to visit Palembang.